Designs for the Future.

Affordable, sustainable designs for the future.

Entrigan Things for You!

Lavi, Sante, and Safety. Affordable, sustainable designs for your future that inspires life (lavi), health and wellness (sante), and safety in everyday work, life, and play.

Impactante. Relationships are important! Before drafting can begin, we build relationships during the planning process of your project to create impactful (impactante) designs for you.

Dinamismo. Designs are as dynamic as you are! Whether it is temporary or long-term, buildings and their surroundings have dynamism (dinamismo) like you. Make it a good one!

Wildly Friendly, LLC, is a design drafting firm since 2019. We are a proud small business that believes in affordable, sustainable designs for the future.


Are you thinking of starting a project? We can help design your project.

Need a plan reviewer? Let us help you.

Is there something else? Come and talk to us.


No matter the project, our real business is our passion to help you make the decision that best fits you, the community, and the environment. Check out our album!

Decks & Pergolas

Site Plans/Plats



HVAC System Sizing

Sustainable Designs